APRIL 30TH, 2023
I needed to wrap my head around Ergo, Bria. Coalesce her mismatched tunes for steady consumption. So I created my own Spotify playlist. A dozen tracks totalling 36 minutes of mayhem and melody, guitar welts and vocal belts. Shades of Veruca Salt or grim reaper growls, from the beautiful piano only instrumental of “Intro” off the Ergo EP your expectations are about to be reshaped.

On “I Think Not,” an earlier single, Bria howls with brio an impassioned plea. She will not conform to your expectations. She’s tired of trying to fit in, attempting “to give you everything you want….” And this classically trained multi-instrument musician is walking her own path, skipping magical stones in the musical ponds of Nashville and genre hopping with glee. Whether she’s penning pure power pop like “Plethora” or cranking out the grungy pit bull punk of “Dogs,” Bria is unique and fearless. I appreciate artists who defy easy categorization. She’s not here to gie you blue eyes and blonde hair. No longer is she “bleaching her tongue” to ease your feelings. Her tongue can be candid and caustic. And she demands control.
The whispered, reiterated intro to “Teeth” is a sonic delight. And when the fuzzy scuzz of crashing guitars barge in you’re in full teeth grinding mode. At one point she cries: “I want to kick your face in.” But your ears will be kicked in first. In the best of ways.

Bria McCollum is a one woman wrecking crew, wearing all the hats: producer, performer, songwriter, session musician. Her lyrics tap into emotional wells. Her voice bleeds out angst, often in sugary swells. There is a tiny touch of the goth about her. But the script you expect her to be reading from is ripped up and scattered about the stage, to be pummeled and pounded.
Therefore, give Bria a go. She’s the most interesting musician you’ve not heard of. Yet.
- Trent Ryan Smith