JULY 27TH, 2023
Katie Pederson lives in Nashville, TN. She is a songwriter. She is one of thousands. But her brand of piano pop is light years from the dominant culture of Broadway bro-country, of celebrity bars and bachelorette woo girls. Her passion and charm bleeds into her keys, creating a holistic sound of internal reflection coupled with the exterior natural world around us. She is smart. She is kind. And she has a knowing knack for knocking out the most beautiful 3:30 minute piano based tunes this side of Ben Folds.

Katie wrote dozens of songs during 2020’s lockdown and spent months winnowing these down and honing the 10 tracks found on Limitless. I will go on record and say I listened to this album almost more than any other in 2022. I have my reasons. Not least that I’ve been privileged to see Katie perform live many times. And whether you’re hearing her sing for the first time digitally or live, the difference is negligible. She is a consummate vocalist. There are unguarded moments where that little skin shiver creeps up because you’re in the presence of something rare and beautiful.

Her lyrics cover broken hearts, the fear of letting your guard down, how love leaves emotional marks on the body. She covers the pull of gravity, the beauty of the Rocky Mountains and Lake Louise, of long drives up and down Michigan’s M-22. And mid-album, when Katie switches to electric keyboard on “M-22”, you realize she is in full command of her musical talent. Less is more. This track is allowed to breathe, expand in the space surrounding the simple melody line. It’s an exquisite song. But the entire collection is a well curated gem. Every track is relevant. Required. Needed. Like Katie sings on “Shrapnel”, this album will undoubtedly leave an imprint; stick under your skin.
While you’re familiarizing yourself with Limitless, know that Ms. Pederson has not been idle in the months since its release. Katie has teamed up with two other badass Michiganders, Grace Theisen and Jilian Linklater, and formed a new project known as The Rebel Eves. A harmony supergroup? Indeed. And if prompted, I’m prepared to accept the apple.